I organise private and group workshops for you,- privat and corporative art events.
Even if you have never painted we will manage this and you will create your own masterpiece!
To find out details and to book the next workshop write me per email: adamusarist19@gmail.com

Event # 1.
Art Weekend in Nature – plainair.
Fulfill your dream, paint yourself an oil painting!
Group Master Class in oil painting with artist Olga Adamus/ Koval!
Even those who have never held a brush, or better yet a dab hand, in their hands, are guaranteed to paint their masterpiece even in the first 3 hours under the guidance of an experienced master painter!

Workshop details:
We go out to the nature: in park, to the river or in mountains.
Duration – 3 hours
+picnic optional)
Materials included: oil paints, brushes, canvas, easels.
We paint the landscape: the artist shows visually, step by step, how to paint a picture – everyone repeats, the artist guides the process, helps and gives hints and guidance.
You take the picture with you